Introduction to Moon Cake

Moon cake are a beloved treat during the Mid-Autumn Festival, celebrated in many Asian cultures. These round pastries symbolize family reunions and the full moon. Let’s delve into their history and significance.

Origins of Moon Cake

Moon cake have a rich history dating back over 2,000 years. They were first made during the Yuan Dynasty in China. Legend has it that they were used to secretly pass messages among rebels fighting against Mongol rule. The round shape represents unity and completeness.

Symbolism and Traditions

Moon cake are often filled with sweet or savory ingredients. The most common fillings include lotus seed paste, red bean paste, and salted egg yolks. The intricate designs on the cake’s surface depict various themes like the moon, flowers, or animals. Families exchange moon cake as a gesture of love and well-wishes.

Whether you’re enjoying a traditional moon cake or trying your hand at making one, these delightful treats bring people together and celebrate the beauty of the moon.

Ingredients and Tools for Making Moon Cake

Basic Ingredients for moon cake

To create moon cake at home, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  1. Flour: Used for making the dough. Opt for all-purpose flour or a specific moon cake flour.
  2. Oil: Essential for creating a tender crust. Vegetable oil or peanut oil works well.
  3. Water: To bind the dough together. Adjust the water quantity as needed.
  4. Sweet Fillings: Choose from various options like:
    • Lotus Seed Paste: A classic filling with a subtly sweet and nutty flavor.
    • Red Bean Paste: Slightly sweeter and earthier than lotus seed paste.
    • Salted Egg Yolks: Traditional moon cake often contain salted egg yolks for a savory touch.

The quality of these ingredients greatly influences the final taste of your moon cakes.

Special Tools and Molds

  1. Moon Cake Molds: These molds come in various shapes and sizes, allowing you to create intricate patterns on the surface of your moon cake. Look for molds with designs like flowers, animals, or the moon itself. Press the filled dough into these molds to achieve stunning results.
  2. Pastry Brush: A pastry brush is essential for applying an egg wash to the moon cakes before baking. This gives them a glossy finish and enhances their appearance.
  3. Egg Wash: Prepare an egg wash by beating an egg with a little water. Brush this mixture over the moon cakes to give them a golden color when baked.
  4. Flour for Dusting: When handling the dough and shaping the moon cakes, dust your hands and work surface with flour to prevent sticking.

These tools not only make the moon cake visually appealing but also add to the joy of creating these delightful treats.

Tips for Preparing the Dough

  1. Chill the Dough: Before shaping the moon cake, refrigerate the dough for at least 30 minutes. Chilled dough is easier to work with and holds its shape better during assembly.
  2. Even Thickness: Roll out the dough evenly. Aim for a consistent thickness to ensure uniform moon cakes. Use a rolling pin to achieve the desired thickness.
  3. Flour Your Hands: When handling the dough, dust your hands with flour. This prevents sticking and makes it easier to shape the moon cakes.
  4. Practice Patience: Take your time when wrapping the filling with the dough. Ensure that the filling is fully enclosed and there are no cracks or gaps.

The process of making moon cake is both an art and a labor of love. Enjoy the journey, and may your moon cakes turn out beautifully!

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Moon Cake

1. Preparing the Filling

  1. Divide the Dough: Start by cutting the moon cake dough into small portions. You can use a knife or a dough scraper.
  2. Shape the Filling: Take your chosen filling (such as lotus seed paste or red bean paste) and roll it into small balls. The size of the filling should match the desired size of your moon cakes.
  3. Wrap the Filling: Flatten one of the dough portions in your palm. Place a filling ball in the center and wrap the dough around it, ensuring the filling is fully enclosed. Pinch the edges to seal.

2. Using the Moon Cake Mold

  1. Choose Your Mold: Select a moon cake mold with a design you like. These molds come in various patterns, from traditional to modern.
  2. Press the Dough: Take a filled dough ball and press it into the mold. Make sure the dough fills the entire mold cavity.
  3. Unmold Carefully: Gently tap the mold on a flat surface to release the moon cake. If it sticks, use a toothpick or a small spatula to loosen the edges.

3. Brush with Egg Wash

  1. Prepare Egg Wash: Beat an egg and add a splash of water. Mix well to create an egg wash.
  2. Brush the Moon Cakes: Use a pastry brush to apply the egg wash evenly over the moon cakes. This will give them a beautiful golden color when baked.

Baking and Serving Moon Cake

Temperature and Baking Time

  • Preheat your oven to 350°F (180°C).
  • Place the egg-washed moon cakes on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  • Bake for about 20-25 minutes or until they turn golden brown. Keep an eye on them to avoid over-baking.


  • Once baked, remove the moon cakes from the oven.
  • Let them cool completely on a wire rack. This allows the crust to set and the flavors to meld.


  • Arrange the moon cake on a decorative platter or individual plates.
  • You can place them on lotus leaves or colorful paper for an authentic touch.


  • Moon cake are often enjoyed with tea or other warm beverages.
  • Share these delectable treats with family and friends during the Mid-Autumn Festival.
  • Cut them into wedges or slices and savor the flaky crust and sweet filling.


Share these delightful moon cake with family and friends during the Mid-Autumn Festival. The combination of flaky crust and sweet filling is sure to bring joy and warmth to your celebrations!

Moon cakes are not just desserts; they’re a symbol of unity, family, and the beauty of the full moon. Enjoy!


In the midst of the autumn breeze, as the moon graces the night sky, mooncakes take center stage on the dining table. These traditional Chinese delicacies, shaped like full moons and adorned with intricate patterns, evoke a sense of nostalgia and celebration. Whether enjoyed during the Mid-Autumn Festival or shared as heartfelt gifts, moon cake hold a special place in our hearts.

In this recipe, we’ve explored the art of crafting Cantonese-style mooncakes. The golden crust, made with a combination of golden syrup, lye water, and neutral cooking oil, yields a texture that is moist, soft, and shiny. It’s the perfect canvas for the rich, sweet filling, a harmonious blend of salted egg yolk and lotus seed paste. The aromatic creaminess of the lotus seed paste pairs beautifully with the hint of saltiness from the egg yolk, creating a flavor profile that lingers long after the last bite.

Remember these top tips for success:

  1. Rest the dough to prevent tearing.
  2. Opt for shop-bought lotus seed paste to save time.
  3. Bake attentively, adjusting the time if needed.
  4. Keep the egg wash thin for a clear pattern.
  5. Allow the mooncakes to rest before serving.

As you embark on your mooncake making journey, consider the joy they bring, whether shared with loved ones or savored in solitude. May your moon cake be a symbol of togetherness, tradition, and the beauty of the changing seasons.


  1. Mooncake recipe – How to make Chinese mooncake (Quick and easy) (
  2. Mooncakes, a Classic Recipe (广式月饼) – Red House Spice
  3. Classic Mooncakes with Red Bean Paste – The Woks of Life